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Compressing A Directory On Linux

Posted on Monday 22nd January 2018

Creating An Archive

A simple way is using the TAR command which using the following sytnax

tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name

tar: The Program we are using (Flags) -z: Compress archive using gzip program -c: Create archive -v: Verbose i.e display progress while creating archive -f: Destination File Name

An Example of this would be the following

$ tar -zcvf my-archive.tar.gz /home/cshaw/project

Excluding a Directory

When creating the archive you may want to exclude certain directories, for instance .git

$ tar -zcvf my-archive.tar.gz --exclude=".git" /home/cshaw/project

Extracting An Archive

The syntax is similar to extract the active. The main difference is we change the flag -c (create) to -x (extract)

$ tar -zxvf my-archive.tar.gz /home/chris/project